Solar Panels Cost in Ireland

John McEvoy
April 18, 2024

A growing number of homes are seeing solar panels as an affordable and environmentally conscious alternative to traditional energy sources.

In fact, this change is expected to have a positive impact on both home electricity bills and property prices. It is essential to know the expenses and rewards in the short and long term before committing to a business like that. Installing solar panels can be a costly process, but this blog will help you take a close look at the real costs and possible savings. 

So, let's get started!

How is Solar Energy the Right Choice?

Solar energy in Ireland has several benefits that extend beyond just environmental goodwill. Let's find out how solar panels are proving to be a wise choice economically and in terms of property investment.

Direct savings on bills

Solar panels significantly decrease reliance on grid electricity, which translates to lower monthly energy bills. By generating your own power, you essentially buy less from your energy provider. Typically, a household in Ireland can save up to €400 annually by using a small solar PV system, which can be scaled up depending on energy usage and system capacity. These savings can be even greater during months with higher sunlight exposure, making solar panels especially beneficial in reducing summer energy costs.

Sell your surplus

Moreover, solar panel owners can profit from their investment through feed-in tariffs. This scheme compensates you for excess electricity you export back to the grid. Recent adjustments in Ireland have seen feed-in tariff rates become more favourable, making this option more attractive. Homeowners can now anticipate not only recovering their initial investment more rapidly but also generating passive income over time.

Increase your property value

Investing in solar panels also leads to an increase in property values. Studies indicate that homes equipped with solar energy systems have a higher resale value and attract buyers faster compared to homes without such upgrades. This effect is particularly noted in markets where buyers are increasingly eco-conscious and looking to reduce future living costs.

Each of these points clearly explains that solar energy is not just hype; it's a practical, savvy investment for today’s homeowners in Ireland. By reducing ongoing costs and adding value to property, solar panels offer a clear benefit that is hard to overlook.

How Much Do Solar Panels Cost in Ireland?

Here, we'll outline the initial investment needed and discuss the factors that influence these costs.

Investing in solar panels involves an initial setup cost that can vary widely depending on several key factors. The price range for installing solar panels typically falls between €5,000 to €15,000 for most residential homes. This variance is largely due to the system’s capacity, the type of panels used, and the complexity of the installation.

What factors determine the cost?

Several elements contribute to the cost of solar panel systems:

  • System Size and Capacity: Larger homes or homes with higher energy needs will require more panels, increasing the overall cost.
  • Type of Solar Panels: Choices include monocrystalline or polycrystalline panels, where monocrystalline panels are usually more expensive due to their higher efficiency.
  • Installation Complexity: Costs can increase if your home needs significant electrical upgrades or if the roof layout requires custom panel setups.
  • Location: Geographical location affects installation costs due to different labour rates and accessibility challenges.

What Factors Affect the Cost of Solar Panels in Ireland?

Solar panel systems can start at a cost as low as €5,000 and can go up to €15,000 or even more. This wide range shows that the price you might pay depends a lot on what you need and want from your solar power system.

In simple terms, the more solar panels you need and the better the quality, the higher the price will be. But even the lower end of this price range can give you a good system that will start saving you money on your electricity bills right away.

What are the factors determining cost?

Here’s how various needs and features impact the overall price:

Daily energy needs

How much electricity your household uses each day plays a big role in deciding the size of the solar panel system you need. Measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh), your daily energy needs dictate how many panels you'll require. More daily usage means you'll need a larger system, which will cost more upfront. But it also means more savings on your energy bills in the long run.

Peak power output

Some devices in your home, like ovens or kettles, need a lot of power quickly. This is where peak power output comes into play. Systems designed to handle these high-demand times need to be stronger, which can affect both the system's specifications and its cost. If you use these kinds of appliances often, you might need a system with higher peak power, which could be pricier.

Blackout protection

For many, having power during a blackout is crucial. Solar panel systems with backup capabilities can keep the lights on even when the grid is down. This added feature is great for peace of mind but also adds to the overall cost of your system. If staying power during outages is important to you, consider this option despite the higher price.

Energy storage

Adding a battery storage option to your solar panel system allows you to store excess energy for later use. This means you can keep using solar power even when the sun isn't shining. Battery storage is best for increasing your energy independence, but it will increase the initial cost of your system. 

Also, if you are thinking about getting an electric vehicle, this stored energy can also power your car, saving you even more on transportation costs over time.

How Do Solar Panels Save You Money?

Solar panels can significantly reduce your home's electricity costs in several ways. So, let's see how beneficial solar panels can be as a long-term investment.

Reduced utility bills

One of the major benefits of installing solar panels is the reduction in your monthly electricity bills. By generating your own electricity, you use less from the grid and therefore pay less to your energy provider. Over time, these savings can add up to a considerable amount, especially during the sunnier months when your panels produce more power. Typically, you can expect to save up to 50% on your electricity bills each year, depending on your system's size and your household's energy usage.

Government incentives

In Ireland, the government offers several incentives to help lower the cost of solar panel installation. The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) provides grants that can reduce the upfront cost of purchasing and installing solar panels. This grant not only makes solar panels more affordable but also speeds up the time it takes to get a return on your investment.

Earnings from surplus electricity

When your solar panels produce more electricity than your house needs, you can sell this excess back to the grid. Also, homeowners can earn additional income from their solar systems with feed-in tariffs. The rates for these tariffs have been designed to make solar investments more attractive, and by selling surplus power, many homeowners find they can not only cover their own system's cost but also make a profit over time.

Are They Worth the Cost in Ireland?

When considering whether solar panels are a good investment in Ireland, it's important to look at the return on investment (ROI), which includes evaluating both the payback period and the long-term benefits, such as increased home value.

Evaluating the return on investment

The return on investment for solar panels is one of the most compelling reasons for their adoption. The average payback period to cover their initial cost is typically around 7 to 10 years in Ireland. This period can be shorter depending on factors such as your energy usage, the size of your installation, and the efficiency of your panels.

Financial benefits over time

Besides just the savings on electricity bills, solar panels also increase the market value of your property. Homes with solar systems sell faster and at higher prices than similar homes without them. This is particularly attractive in today's environmentally conscious market.

Moreover, the ongoing savings from reduced utility bills provide a steady stream of financial benefits long after the panels have paid for themselves. As energy prices continue to rise, the savings potential only increases, making solar panels an even more valuable investment.

Long-term benefits

In addition to financial savings and potential earnings from surplus electricity sales, solar panels contribute to a lower carbon footprint for your home, aligning with global trends towards more sustainable living. This environmental benefit, while not directly financial, can significantly influence buyer decisions in the real estate market, adding another layer of value to your investment.

Final Words!

Investing in solar panels in Ireland not only reduces your electricity bills but also increases your property value and offers a strong return on investment through savings and potential earnings from surplus electricity. With government incentives like SEAI grants and the ability to sell excess power back to the grid, solar panels present a financially wise choice with a payback period that can be quite appealing.

If you're considering this renewable energy source, HP Roofing can provide you with expert guidance on costs, installation, and maximising your investment. Contact HP Roofing today to find out how much you could save with solar panels.

Contact us today!

HP Roofing is a team of residential & commercial roofing contractors and solar panel installation experts in Dublin. We offer a wide range of services, from roof repairs and replacements to solar PV installations and maintenance, with quality beyond expectations.
Call HP Roofing 01 453 3366

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the average cost to install solar panels in Ireland?

The average cost of installing solar panels in Ireland ranges from €5,000 to €15,000. This varies based on the size of the system and the type of panels used.

Are there any government incentives that can help reduce the cost of solar panels?

Yes, in Ireland, homeowners can apply for the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) grants, which can significantly reduce the upfront cost of installing solar panels.

How much can I save on my electricity bill after installing solar panels?

Homeowners can save up to 50% on their electricity bills annually, depending on the capacity of the solar panel system installed and their personal energy usage.

Can I earn money from installing solar panels?

Yes, through feed-in tariffs, you can earn money by selling excess electricity generated by your solar panels back to the grid. The specific rates will depend on your energy provider and the current regulations.

What factors affect the cost of solar panels?

The cost is influenced by the system size and capacity required, the type of solar panels chosen (e.g., monocrystalline or polycrystalline), installation complexity, and any additional features like battery storage or energy management systems.

How long does it take for solar panels to pay for themselves?

The payback period for solar panels in Ireland is typically between 7 to 10 years. This period can vary based on the system's cost, the amount of electricity used at home, and the efficiency of the panels.

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*FYI, parts of this blog post were drafted by artificial technlogy. But rest assured, it's been thoroughly researched, edited, reviewed and me & my team.
Founder @ HPRoofing

The founder of HP Roofing, with years of industry experience, providing top-notch roofing and solar panel services for residential and commercial properties in Dublin, delivering high-quality and customised solutions that combine both aesthetic appeal and durable functionality.